Pensions, Propaganda and Labor --- OH MY!

Happy Holiday's Brothers and Sisters! I recently returned from the annual Pension Trust/Benefits training seminar in Orlando Florida. I took a variety of courses on subjects ranging from Fiduciary Responsibilities of a Trustee, to Health and Wellness Programs. As one of the 4 Trustees on our pension, I am obligated and appreciate the huge responsibility that comes with it. The material provided through these courses ensures that I have the proper training to manage our fund responsibly. One thing is for sure, as 2009 comes to a close, we are breathing a little bit easier, fiscally speaking.

Pension and Health trust funds all over the country took huge hits during the early part of this year and adjustments had to be made where they could. Some Public plans such as PERS, while initially looked as though they would weather the storm, took massive hits (see Climbing PERS expenses face Oregon pension board, agency budget writers). Luckily we are not a PERS and have significantly more control over our Fund as it is fairly small and sleek. All in all, It looks as if the Market has finally bottomed out now, and while we can hope more for a "V" like recovery (a sharp down, followed by an equally sharp up), all indications are that the rebound will be more gradually with some additional bumps still to come.

Time To Prepare

As winter creeps in and negotiations on other properties progress, your local officers are hard at work gathering data, marking the date's, and setting the strategy for our sessions. While we cannot out and out divulge our strategy, there are some keys to remember as we make our approach:

1st Key - Whatever differences we have with one another...whether you have, or have not been in a union before...whether in the past you just felt left out of the process, or just didn't want to be is the time for us to come together in solidarity for our future. If you have questions or suggestions we are listening. Bottom line - If you want MORE, If you want YOUR voice heard - participate. 

2nd key - Expect fierce resistance from the other side as we approach negotiations. Expect anything from ticky-tacky procedural write ups as a driver, to a full on sickening propaganda campaign. They will tell you that "you make enough", and are "lucky to have a job"... They will tell you "The District is struggling to pay for your benefits", and that you get "so much already"... And they will tell you that Your Union, "is the problem"...So they will be lying.

When you hear the proverbial smack talk going around - like say - a newer road supervisor, one that never attended ONE Union meeting much less participate in his short time as a driver, "casually" commenting that "your union is weak" - you tell him, Sorry - you already heard the truth: The truth is that even the so-called "respectable" pay and benefits he has now, as a supervisor, are the result of a struggle that started long ago with the Headly's and the Allred's and the other brave Union soldiers that wouldn't take NO for an answer, and that same struggle continues to this day! (He only forgot to mention those insignificant details.)

"Don't let any man into your cab, your home, or your heart, unless he's a friend of labor."-Jimmy Hoffa

In the spirit of organization, I invite you to join our Facebook Page . Also we have some great links being collected on delicious (a bookmarking site), which range from labor history, labor theory & law, to articles about the economy - which may be of some interest to you.

In Solidarity,

Brian Pasquali
Executive Board Officer
ATU 757 of Lane County


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